Walking Gait Analysis
Sagittal Plane Walking Gait AnalysisWalking Gait Analysis is designed for individuals who experience pain, instability, or difficulty with walking. Further testing such as strength, flexibility, and joint range of motion may be performed to determine the cause(s) of any movement impairments.
Running Gait Analysis
Elite distance runner, Fritz VanDeKampRunning Gait Analysis is intended for both recreational and competitive runners experiencing pain. This includes individuals participating in sports requiring running in a field and court setting. Running evaluations are also performed for those who want to improve running efficiency or to identify biomechanical tendencies that may result in future injury. Further testing such as strength, flexibility, and joint range of motion may be performed to determine the cause(s) of any noted movement impairments.
For more information, Contact Us today at our center in Holladay, UT. We are easily accessible from Salt Lake City, Sandy, Murray, Cottonwood Heights and the resorts including Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons.